The Debug.Log function can also use these markup tags to enhance error reports from code. The Text, GUIStyle, GUIText and TextMesh classes have a Rich Text setting which instructs Unity to look for markup tags within the text. Rich text is supported both for the UI System and the legacy GUI system. Thank you so very much.The text for UI elements and text meshes can incorporate multiple font styles and sizes. I can join my community in our prayerful chanting without worrying about being unable to find my place if I get lost. My new book may be simple, but it is beautiful to me. I can't describe how good it feels to read from my new Psalm book with verses of alternating colors that I can clearly read. I now have been able to try books with verses of many different colors and have found the color that works best for me. The information you freely shared is a Godsend. I would make mistakes, particularly at the beginning of a new section of pages. It took days for me to work through only one version of a book. It was tedious and slow to work through 285 pages changing the color of every other verse.

I had to try several other colors to find out which was easiest for me to read. Then, if I lose my place, I can quickly scan verses in "my section's color," and hopefully more quickly find the right place to rejoin the chanting.īlack is easy to read and so would be one color for a verse's lettering. I thought it would be easier for me to keep my place if I could print a Psalm book that alternates the color of a Psalm's verses, allowing me to quickly identify "which color verses" my section of the community is chanting for a particular Psalm. We vary chanting between 2 different sides of our community, sitting as a choir. My blurred vision has made it difficult to read from our Psalm books and chant with my brothers. My community chants the psalms as a part of our community prayers 5 times daily. I've been very ill for the past year, and my medications have caused my vision to blur. No one else has been able to help me with my problem. The following macro essentially automates the Find-and-Replace steps just presented.

This is particularly useful if you have a large number of documents in which you need to make the same change. Click Close to dismiss the Find and Replace dialog box.įinally, you can always use a macro to make the replacements.Click OK to dismiss the information dialog box.Word displays a dialog box informing you how many replacements it made. The Find and Replace dialog box should still be visible, with the custom color showing under the Replace box. Click OK to dismiss the Replace Font dialog box.Using the Red, Green, and Blue controls, specify the RGB values of the color you want to use.Word displays the Replace Font dialog box. Click the Format button and then click Font.Make sure the Replace With box is empty and the insertion point is in that box.The Find and Replace dialog box should still be visible, with the custom color showing under the Find box. Click OK to dismiss the Find Font dialog box.Click OK to dismiss the Colors dialog box.Using the Red, Green, and Blue controls, specify the RGB values of the text you want to change.Click the Font Color drop-down list and choose More Colors.Make sure the Find box is empty and the insertion point is in that box.Click the More button, if it is available.

Word displays the Replace tab of the Find and Replace dialog box. The second approach is to simply use Find and Replace. This results in all instances of text to which the style is applied being updated, immediately. Then, when you need to change the color (or any other attributes of that text), simply make your changes to the style. When you are creating the document, apply that style to all those words you want to appear in that color. The idea would be to create a character style for the text you want in that particular color.

There are three ways you can go about approaching this problem. Steve wonders if there is a way to make the change all at once. This, in the end, proved an inadequate color for his needs, so he needs to change the color of all that text to have an RGB value of 181, 255, 255. Steve has a document which, in various places, uses a text color that has an RGB value of 102, 255, 255.